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The Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Science (IDEAS) Journal Club is a monthly gathering designed to foster discussion and broaden awareness of challenges in the scientific community. At each meeting, we provide a meal and a thought-provoking resource for discussion. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are especially encouraged to attend, but all are welcome! Attendees will also have an opportunity to win some science-themed prizes at the meeting! We thank the GSA’s Quality Money Program for funding this initiative! ​​

STEM Together

Open to all undergraduate students, graduate students and postdocs carrying out research at the University of Calgary. Sign up here! Presentations are 3-5 minutes long, using one powerpoint slide. To be inclusive, presentations are given at a high-level.

CIDE is proposing STEM UNITY for Giving Day 2024. This program is championed by Alejandro J. Cuellar De Lucio and will introduce undergraduates to research in academia and industry. Aimed at inclusivity, retention, and empowerment, it supports first-gen, low-income, non-traditional, transfer, and underrepresented STEM students. Addressing GPA limitations, the initiative provides hands-on lab experiences, emphasizing practical skills and problem-solving.  


A safe and inclusive space within which attendees can casually and openly talk about their everyday successes, experiences and issues as students and postdocs with regards to EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity).

What to do After You've Graduated?

An annual career guidance panel featuring panelists with diverse career paths. All students are welcome to attend. Previous panelists have represented the fields of academia, industry, science communication, university administration, patent law and publishing.

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